Optimize Search Results in Your DAM

Konvert™ provides refined search and tagging updates to help improve the relevancy of your DAM search results by pulling in key terms utilized within these attributes:

  • Asset title
  • Asset file name
  • Asset categories
  • Asset tags

Words used in the search query must all be present across the title, file name, categories and tags. You can mix and match the areas they are found in; they must not all be present in one area.


If an asset has the following attributes:

  • Asset title: Marketing Brochure
  • Asset file name: Marketing_Broc_v2.pdf
  • Asset categories: Publications, Brochures
  • Asset tags: Acme Corp, 2021

The following will happen:

  • A search for “marketing brochure” would include this asset because both "marketing" and "brochure" are included in the search attributes.  
  • A search for “marketing 2021” would include this asset because both "marketing" and "2021" are present in the the search attributes. 
  • A search for “acme marketing” would include this asset because both "acme" and "marketing" are present in the search attributes. 
  • A search for “marketing 2020” would NOT include this asset because "2020" is not present in the search attributes.
  • A search for “Brochure v1” would NOT include this asset because "v1" is not present in the search attributes.