Adding Accounts

Konvert™ accounts are CRM-link accounts that allow you to manage your users within their account with customizable attributes. 

In this article, we will explain:

  • How to access the Accounts page 
  • How to add a new account
  • How to add locations to an account
  • How to add users to an account


To access the Accounts page, click the drop-down menu in the top-left corner of the page and select the Accounts link (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. The Accounts link


From the Accounts page (Fig. 2), click the Add Account button in the top-right corner of the page.

Figure 2. The Accounts page

From the Add Account page (Fig. 3), you can enter the:

  • Account Name: Each account must be named.
  • Website: This is an optional field. Enter the URL of the main website associated with the account to keep this information organized and accessible.
  • Account User Groups: Use this field to indicate whether users in this account should also be added to any group(s).

Additional fields in this form vary depending on your personalized Konvert™ portal. For example, you may have an account number field, which refers to existing account numbers in your records.

Figure 3. The Add Account page

When finished, click the Save button. This opens the Account Editor page where you can add locations and users.


From the Account Editor page, you can add locations relevant to the account. Navigate to the Locations section (Fig. 5) of the page and click the Add Location button (Fig. 4). Enter the phone number and address information in the appropriate fields and click the Save button. After saving, click on the location to modify or delete it.

Figure 4. The Add Location button

Figure 5. The Account Locations section


From the Account Editor page, you can also add users to the account. Click the Invite a User button (Fig. 6) and the Invite a User form (Fig. 7) will appear. Complete the form by entering the Title (if applicable), First Name, Last Name and Email Address, and select the appropriate Group(s). Click the Save button and the user will receive a Welcome Email from Konvert™. Users added to the account will appear in a list.

Figure 6. The Invite a User button

Figure 7. The Invite a User form

To create invite links directly from the Users section of the page, click the Create Invite Link button (Fig. 8). To learn more about creating invite links, visit the Creating Invite Links article.

Figure 8. The Create Invite Link button