Adding and Managing Actions
Actions are the individual questions or quizzes associated with an activity and help to reinforce learning.
Note: Every course must contain at least one chapter, which must contain at least one activity. While you must have at least one course, chapter and activity in your module, you may create as many as you need. Actions are not required but are recommend to reinforce learning.
There are six distinct types of actions in the LMS:
- Tasks
- True/False
- Multiple Choice:
- Multiple Answers
- Ordered Multiple Answers
- Fill-In
In this article, we will explain:
- How to access the Learning Management System Module Administration page
- How to add an action
- How to add a task
- How to add a true/false question or statement
- How to add a multiple choice question
- How to add a multiple answers question
- How to add an ordered multiple answer question
- How to add a fill-in question
- How to edit an action
- How to publish or unpublish an action
- How to delete an action
- How to reorder an action
Actions can be created and managed through the Learning Management System Modules Administration page. To access the Learning Management System Modules Administration page, click the drop-down menu on the top-left corner of the homepage and select the Portal Administration link (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. The Portal Administration link
From the Portal Administration page, click the Learning Management System Module Administration card (Fig. 2).
Figure 2. The Learning Management System Module Administration card
Actions are nested within an activity. To add an action, navigate to the preferred module, course and chapter, then click the Edit Mode toggle (Fig. 3) at the top-right corner of the page. An activity must be created before you can add an action. To create an activity, click the Create Activity button. To learn more about activities, visit the Adding and Managing Activities article.
Figure 3. The Edit Mode toggle
Once an activity has been created, you can add an action. Click the Create Action box (Fig. 4) to access the Create Action page (Fig. 5).
Figure 4. The Create Action button
From the Create Action page (Fig. 5) you can:
- Enter Your Question or Statement. This may include:
- A statement to be confirmed by the user
- A question to be answered by the user
- A statement that requires a written response from the user
- Select Your Action Type from the drop-down and complete the fields associated with the preferred action type. Action types include:
- Task
- True/False
- Multiple Choice
- Multiple Answer
- Ordered Multiple Answer
- Fill-In
Click the Save button.
Once saved, you can include any attachments (Fig. 6) that can be viewed or downloaded as part of the action. Attachments include:
- Image
- PDF Slideshow
- Video
- Downloadable File
Once complete, click the Close Editor button.
Figure 5. The Create Action page
Figure 6. Activity Attachments
The Task action type allows users to acknowledge that the user has completed a task by clicking on a checkbox.
To add a task, navigate to the Create Action page (Fig. 5) and enter your statement in the Question or Statement field (Fig. 7). Select Task from the Action Type drop-down menu, and click the Save button.
Figure 7. The task fields
To add a true/false question, navigate to the Create Action page (Fig. 5) and enter your true/false question in the Question or Statement field. Select True/False from the Action Type drop-down menu and complete the fields (Fig. 8) associated with this action type.
If this is a survey question, check the This is a survey question, there are no correct or incorrect answers checkbox. Survey questions will not display that the answer is correct or incorrect. If you want your user to see if they got the answer correct or incorrect, do not check this box.
Identify the correct answer by selecting the True button or the False button.
Enter your Answer Reasoning if preferred. Answer reasoning is the reasoning behind the correct answer. This will appear below the question after the user answers it (either correctly or incorrectly). Only one answer reasoning can be entered per action. Answer reasoning is optional.
Click the Save button. Once saved, you can add attachment(s) if preferred. Click the Close Editor button.
Figure 8. The true/false fields
To add a multiple choice question, navigate to the Create Action page (Fig. 5) and enter your multiple choice question in the Question or Statement field. Select Multiple Choice from the Action Type drop-down menu and complete the fields (Fig. 9) associated with this action type.
If this is a survey question, check the This is a survey question, there are no correct or incorrect answers checkbox. Survey questions will not display that the answer is correct or incorrect. If you want your user to see if they got the answer correct or incorrect, do not check this box.
Add your answers by clicking the Add Answer button and identify the correct answer by selecting the Correct Answer button. If you would like to include a fill-in option, click the Add Fill In button and add a fill-in label.
Enter your Answer Reasoning if preferred. Answer reasoning is the reasoning behind the correct answer. This will appear below the question after the user answers it (either correctly or incorrectly). Only one answer reasoning can be entered per action. Answer reasoning is optional.
Click the Save button. Once saved, you can add attachment(s) if preferred. Click the Close Editor button.
Figure 9. The multiple choice fields
Note: The Multiple Answers Action Type allows the user to select more than one correct answer.
To add a multiple answers question, navigate to the Create Action page (Fig. 5) and enter your multiple answers question in the Question or Statement field. Select Multiple Answers from the Action Type drop-down menu and complete the fields (Fig. 10) associated with this action type.
If this is a survey question, check the This is a survey question, there are no correct or incorrect answers checkbox. Survey questions will not display that the answer is correct or incorrect. If you want your user to see if they got the answer correct or incorrect, do not check this box.
Add your answers by clicking the Add Answer button and identify the correct answer by selecting the Correct Answer button. If you would like to include a fill-in option, click the Add Fill In button and add a fill-in label.
Enter your Answer Reasoning if preferred. Answer reasoning is the reasoning behind the correct answer. This will appear below the question after the user answers it (either correctly or incorrectly). Only one answer reasoning can be entered per action. Answer reasoning is optional.
Click the Save button. Once saved, you can add attachment(s) if preferred. Click the Close Editor button.
Figure 10. The multiple choice fields
Note: The Ordered Multiple Answers Action Type allows the user to place answers in the correct order
To add an ordered multiple answers question, navigate to the Create Action page (Fig. 5) and enter your ordered multiple answers question in the Question or Statement field. Select Ordered Multiple Answers from the Action Type drop-down menu and complete the fields (Fig. 11) associated with this action type.
If this is a survey question, check the This is a survey question, there are no correct or incorrect answers checkbox. Survey questions will not display that the answer is correct or incorrect. If you want your user to see if they got the answer correct or incorrect, do not check this box.
Add your answers in the order you would like them displayed. Click the Add Answer button and enter your answer. Identify the correct order by selecting the Check to Order Answer button in the preferred order. You will see a number displayed indicating the correct order.
Enter your Answer Reasoning if preferred. Answer reasoning is the reasoning behind the correct answer. This will appear below the question after the user answers it (either correctly or incorrectly). Only one answer reasoning can be entered per action. Answer reasoning is optional.
Click the Save button. Once saved, you can add attachment(s) if preferred. Click the Close Editor button.
Figure 11. The ordered multiple answers fields
To add a fill-in question, navigate to the Create Action page (Fig. 5) and enter your fill-in question in the Question or Statement field. Select Fill In from the Action Type drop-down menu and complete the fields (Fig. 12) associated with this action type.
If this is a survey question, check the This is a survey question, there are no correct or incorrect answers checkbox. Survey questions will not display that the answer is correct or incorrect. If you want your user to see if they got the answer correct or incorrect, do not check this box.
Click the Save button. Once saved, you can add attachment(s) if preferred. Click the Close Editor button.
Figure 12. The fill-in fields
To edit an action, navigate to the preferred module and enable edit mode by clicking on the Edit Mode toggle (Fig. x) in the top-right corner of the page. Click on the preferred course and chapter to access the activities section of your chapter. Locate the preferred action nested within an activity and click on the pencil icon in the action box to access the Edit Action page (Fig. 13). From the Edit Action page, modify the fields and attachment(s) as needed and click the Save button.
Note: When editing an action, you cannot change the action type.
Figure 13. The Edit Action page
When an action is created, it is automatically published.
Unpublish an Action: To unpublish an action, navigate to the preferred module and enable edit mode by clicking on the Edit Mode toggle (Fig. x) in the top-right corner of the page. Click on the preferred course and chapter to access the activities section of your chapter. Locate the preferred action nested within an activity and click on the pencil icon in the action box to access the Edit Action page (Fig. 13). From the Edit Action page, click the Unpublish button (Fig. 14) in the bottom-right corner of the page.
Figure 14. The Unpublish button
Publish an Action: To publish an action, navigate to the Edit Action page (Fig. 13) and click the Publish button (Fig. 15) in the bottom-right corner of the page.
Figure 15. The Publish button
To delete an action, navigate to the preferred module and enable edit mode by clicking on the Edit Mode toggle (Fig. 3) in the top-right corner of the page. Click on the preferred course and chapter to access the activities section of your chapter. Locate the preferred action nested within an activity and click on the pencil icon in the action box to access the Edit Action page (Fig. x). From the Edit Action page, click the Delete button (Fig. 16) in the bottom-right corner of the page.
Figure 16. The Delete button
To reorder actions, navigate to the preferred module and enable edit mode by clicking on the Edit Mode toggle (Fig. 3) in the top-right corner of the page. Click on the preferred course and chapter to access the activities section of your chapter. Click the on Reorder Actions toggle (Fig. 17) located directly below the activity title and drag your actions to the preferred order. Once complete, turn off the Reorder Actions toggle.
Figure 17. The Reorder Actions toggle