Konvert Backup Policy

Konvert™ maintains and operates the following backup policy:


Database is highly available with 3 node replicas distributed across availability zones.

Point in Time recovery is available to recover to any 1 minute point within the past 3 days. In addition to Point In Time recovery, snapshots are taken on a scheduled interval and are retained as follows:

  • Snapshot taken every 6 hours, retained 7 days
  • Daily Snapshot retained 7 days
  • Weekly Snapshot retained for 4 weeks
  • Monthly Snapshot retained for 12 months


Files are hosted by Amazon S3 Standard Storage, which provides 99.999999999% durability.

Amazon S3 standard storage offers the following features:

  • Backed with the Amazon S3 Service Level Agreement
  • Designed to provide 99.999999999% durability and 99.99% availability of objects over a given year
  • Designed to sustain the concurrent loss of data in two facilities

Additionally Konvert enables file revisioning. All previous versions or deleted files are retained for 1 year from the date of update or deletion. This protects against unintentional user action or application failure.


All source code is stored in a code repository tracking all changes.