Module Users
The Module Users page provides administrators with a view of all users assigned to a module. Administrators can also apply bulk actions to quickly make changes to a grouping of users. The Module Users page provides administrators with the ability to:
- View list of users who have access to a module
- View module completion by users
- Reset timed access for users
- Extend timed access for users
- Unassign users
- Clear all module answers and progress for users
In this article, we will explain:
- How to access the Module Users page
- How to modify, filter and export the module users table
- How to apply actions
- How to select a different module
Administrators can access the Module Users page through the Module Editor page or through the Metrics page. First, click the drop-down menu at the top-left corner of the page and select the Portal Administration link (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. The Portal Administration link
To access the Module Users page from the Module Editor page, select the Learning Management System Module Administration card (Fig. 2) from the Portal Administration page.
From the Learning Management System Module Administration page, click on the Edit Mode toggle (Fig. 3) at the top-right corner of the page.
Figure 3. The Edit Mode toggle
Locate the preferred module and click the pencil icon (Fig. 4) to access the Module Editor page.
Figure 4. The pencil icon
From the Module Editor page, click the View Users button (Fig. 5) at the top-right corner of the page.
Figure 5. The View Users button
Modify the columns by selecting the Edit Columns button (Fig. 6) and add or delete data points for modules, users, groups and accounts.
Figure 6. The Edit Columns button
Click on the Filters button (Fig. 7) to filter your table by Assignment Status, Module Status, Locked Status, Account and Group.
Figure 7. The Filters button
To clear all filters, click on the Clear Filters button (Fig. 8).
Figure 8. The Clear Filters button
To export the table, click the Export To CSV button (Fig. 9) followed by the Download File button (Fig. 10).
Figure 9. The Export to CSV button
Figure 10. The Download File button
With Actions, you can Unassign Users, Reset Timed Access, Extend Timed Access and Clear All Answers and Progress.
Note: The Module Users page allows for bulk actions. Simply select multiple users and apply an action.
Unassign Users: To unassign users from a module, select the user(s) you would like to unassign and select Unassign Users from the Actions drop-down menu (Fig. 11).
Figure 11. The Actions drop-down menu
Reset Timed Access: If a module has the Timed User Access feature enabled and a user(s) has allowed their time to expire before completing the module, you can reset their timed access by selecting the user(s) and selecting Reset Timed Access from the Actions drop-down menu (Fig. 11).
Extend Timed Access: If a module has the Time User Access feature enabled and you would like to extend the amount of time a user has access to complete a module, select the user(s) and select Extend Timed Access from the Actions drop-down menu (Fig. 11). In the pop-up window, select the preferred expiration date and click the Submit button (Fig. 12).
Figure 12: Extend Timed Access pop-up window
Clear All Answers and Progress: If you would like to reset a user's answers and progress, select the user(s) and select Clear All Answers and Progress from the Actions drop-down menu. Type CONFIRM and click the Submit button (Fig. 13).
Figure 13. The Clear All Answers and Progress pop-up window
To view the Module Users page for a different module, select the preferred module from the Select Module drop-down menu (Fig. 14) at the top-right corner of the page.
Figure 14. The Select Module drop-down menu