Adding and Managing Header and Footer Widgets
Easily customize your Homepage or Module Catalog layout by adding header and footer widgets. The Konvert™ portal offers six header and footer widget types. Widget types include:
- Resume Progress widget
- Learning Progress widget
- News & Updates widget
- Links widget
- Banner Ad widget
In this article, we will explain:
- How to access the Homepage or Module Catalog editor
- How to add a header or footer widget
- How to add and edit a Resume Progress widget
- How to add and edit a Learning Progress widget
- How to add and edit a News & Updates widget
- How to add and edit a Links widget
- How to add and edit a Banner Ad widget
- How to publish or unpublish a widget
- How to reorder widgets
- How to delete a widget
To access the Homepage or Module Catalog editor, click the Edit Mode toggle (Fig. 1) at the top-right corner of the Homepage or Module Catalog page. Once in edit mode, you can add widgets, edit widgets, publish and unpublish widgets, reorder widgets and delete widgets.
Figure 1. The Edit Mode toggle
To add a header or footer widget to your Homepage or Module Catalog layout, enable edit mode by clicking the Edit Mode toggle (Fig. 1) in the top-right corner of the Homepage or Module Catalog page. Once in edit mode, click the Add Header Widget button (Fig. 2) to add a header widget. Click the Add Footer Widget button (Fig. 3) to add a footer widget. The same six widget types can be added to the header or the footer.
Figure 2. The Add Header Widget button
Figure 3. The Add Footer Widget button
After clicking the Add Header Widget button (Fig. 2) or the Add Footer Widget button (Fig. 3), a New Widget screen (Fig. 4) will appear. Select your preferred widget type from the Select a New Widget drop-down menu and complete the required fields.
Figure 4. The New Widget screen
The Resume Progress widget (Fig. 5) displays the title of the last chapter the user accessed. The Resume button will take the user back to the last page they visited.
Figure 5. The Resume Progress widget
Add a Resume Progress Widget: To add a Resume Progress widget, click the Add Header Widget button (Fig. 2) or the Add Footer Widget button (Fig. 3). Select Resume Progress from the Select a New Widget drop-down menu. Complete the following Resume Progress widget fields (Fig. 6):
- Title: Enter the preferred widget title. The default title for this widget is Recent Activity.
- Width: Select if you would like the widget to display as full-width or half-width.
Click the Save button and your Resume Progress widget will appear on the Homepage or Module Catalog page.
Figure 6. The Resume Progress widget fields
Edit a Resume Progress Widget: To edit a Resume Progress widget, enable edit mode by clicking the Edit Mode toggle (Fig. 1) in the top-right corner of the Homepage or Module Catalog page. Once in edit mode, click the pencil icon (Fig. 7) above the top-right corner of the widget you would like to edit. Modify the fields as needed and click the Save button.
Figure 7. The pencil icon
The Learning Progress widget (Fig. 8) displays a snapshot of the number of completed (enrolled) modules, completed courses and percentage correct. When displayed as a full-width widget, the user will also see the number of completed chapters. The View All button takes the user to their detailed Learning Progress page.
Figure 8. The Learning Progress widget
Add a Learning Progress Widget: To add a Learning Progress widget, click the Add Header Widget button (Fig. 2) or the Add Footer Widget button (Fig. 3). Select Learning Progress from the Select a New Widget drop-down menu. Complete the following Learning Progress widget fields (Fig. 9):
- Title: Enter the preferred widget title. The default title for this widget is Learning Progress.
- Width: Select if you would like the widget to display as full-width or half-width.
Click the Save button and your Learning Progress widget will appear on the Homepage or Module Catalog page.
Figure 9. The Learning Progress widget fields
Edit a Learning Progress Widget: To edit a Learning Progress widget, enable edit mode by clicking the Edit Mode toggle (Fig. 1) in the top-right corner of the Homepage or Module Catalog page. Once in edit mode, click the pencil icon (Fig. 7) above the top-right corner of the widget you would like to edit. Modify the fields as needed and click the Save button.
The News & Updates widget (Fig. 10) displays the most recent articles that have been added to the portal. The View All button takes the user to the News & Updates page. To learn more about adding News & Updates articles, visit the Manage News and Updates article.
Figure 10. The News & Updates widget
Add a News & Updates Widget: To add a News & Updates widget, click the Add Header Widget button (Fig. 2) or the Add Footer Widget button (Fig. 3). Select News & Updates from the Select a New Widget drop-down menu. Complete the following News & Updates widget fields (Fig. 11):
- Title: Enter the preferred widget title. The default title for this widget is News & Updates.
- Width: Select if you would like the widget to display as full-width or half-width.
Click the Save button and your News & Updates widget will appear on the Homepage
Figure 11. The News & Updates widget fields
Edit a News & Updates Widget: To edit a News & Updates widget, enable edit mode by clicking the Edit Mode toggle (Fig. 1) in the top-right corner of the Homepage. Once in edit mode, click the pencil icon (Fig. 7) above the top-right corner of the widget you would like to edit. Modify the fields as needed and click the Save button.
The Links widget (Fig. 12) displays customized cards that can link to internal or external URLs. To learn more about creating and adding custom link cards to your Homepage or Module Catalog page, visit the Adding and Managing Homepage Links article.
Figure 12. The Links widget
Add a Links Widget: To add a Links widget, click the Add Header Widget button (Fig. 2) or the Add Footer Widget button (Fig. 3). Select Links from the Select a New Widget drop-down menu. Complete the following Links widget fields (Fig. 13):
- Title: Enter the preferred widget title. The default title for this widget is Links.
- Width: Select if you would like the widget to display as full-width or half-width.
Click the Save button and your Links widget will appear on the Homepage or Module Catalog page.
Figure 13. The Links widget fields
Edit a Links Widget: To edit a Links widget, enable edit mode by clicking the Edit Mode toggle (Fig. 1) in the top-right corner of the Homepage or Module Catalog page. Once in edit mode, click the pencil icon (Fig. 7) above the top-right corner of the widget you would like to edit. Modify the fields as needed and click the Save button.
The Banner Ad widget (Fig. 14) displays a custom banner ad that can link to internal or external URLs.
Figure 14. The Banner Ad widget
Add a Banner Ad Widget: To add a Banner Ad widget, click the Add Header Widget button (Fig. 2) or the Add Footer Widget button (Fig. 3). Select Banner Ad from the Select a New Widget drop-down menu. Complete the following Banner Ad widget fields (Fig. 15):
- Title: Enter the preferred banner ad title.
- Width: Select if you would like the widget to display as full-width or half-width. Banner Ad widgets are recommended to be either full-width or placed next to another banner ad widget when using half-width.
- Group Access: Select any groups which should be shown this banner ad. If no groups are selected, all users will be shown the banner ad.
- Title Color: Select the preferred color from the drop-down menu.
- Link: Enter the preferred URL.
- Open in a new tab: Select the checkbox if you would like to open in a new tab.
- Image:
- To use an icon with a solid or gradient background color, click the Use Icon/Gradient button. Select the background type (solid color or gradient), your color(s) and your icon. Click the Save button.
- To use an image, click the Upload Image button, then either drag and drop the image file into the space provided, or click the Add a File button and select the desired image.
- Preferred file types include JPEG and PNG.
- For half-width banner images, we recommend a minimum resolution of 1100 pixels by 250 pixels.
- For full-width banner images, we recommend a minimum resolution of 2248 pixels by 250 pixels.
- Upon uploading an image in the editor, you will be able to crop the image to your liking with our built-in cropper. Position your image so that it appears correctly in the provided space. When finished, click the OK button.
Click the Save button and your Banner Ad widget will appear on the Homepage or Module Catalog page.
Figure 15. The Banner Ad widget fields
Edit a Banner Ad Widget: To edit a Banner Ad widget, enable edit mode by clicking the Edit Mode toggle (Fig. 1) in the top-right corner of the Homepage or Module Catalog page. Once in edit mode, click the pencil icon (Fig. 7) above the top-right corner of the widget you would like to edit. Modify the fields as needed and click the Save button.
Unpublish a Widget: When a widget is first created, it is published. To unpublish a widget, enable edit mode by clicking the Edit Mode toggle (Fig. 1) at the top-right corner of the Homepage or Module Catalog page. Once in edit mode, click the pencil icon (Fig. 7) above the top-right corner of the widget you would like to unpublish. Click the Unpublish button (Fig. 16) in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
Figure 16. The Unpublish button
Publish a Widget: To publish a widget, enable edit mode by clicking the Edit Mode toggle (Fig. 1) in the top-right corner of the Homepage or Module Catalog page. Once in edit mode, click the pencil icon (Fig. 7) above the top-right corner of the widget you would like to publish. From the widget editor screen, click the Publish button (Fig. 17) in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
Figure 17. The Publish button
Header widgets can be reordered in the header section, and footer widgets can be reordered in the footer section. To reorder widgets, enable edit mode by clicking the Edit Mode toggle (Fig. 1) at the top-right corner of the Homepage or Module Catalog page. Once in edit mode, click the Reorder Widgets toggle (Fig. 18) at the top-left corner of the Homepage or Module Catalog page. Drag and drop widgets into your preferred order. Turn off the Reorder Widgets toggle once you have finished reordering the widgets.
Figure 18. The Reorder Widget toggle
To delete a widget, enable edit mode by clicking the Edit Mode toggle (Fig. 1) at the top-right corner of the homepage. Once in edit mode, click the pencil icon (Fig. 7) above the top-right corner of the widget you would like to delete. From the widget editor screen, click the Delete button (Fig. 19) in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Confirm deletion by clicking the Yes, Delete button.
Figure 19. The Delete button