Creating Invite Links

Konvert™ invite link functionality allows you to control which users register for your portal and what they are assigned to, without having to add each user to the portal individually. 

In this article, we will explain:

  • How to access the Invite Links screen
  • How to create a new invite link


To access the Invite Links screen (Fig. 3), click the drop-down menu in the top-left corner of the screen and select Users (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. The Users menu option

From the Users screen, click the Invite Links button (Fig. 2) in the top-right corner of the screen to access the Invite Links screen (Fig. 3). 

Figure 2. The Invite Links button


From the Invite Links screen (Fig. 3), click the Add Invite Link button in the top-right corner of the screen. 

Figure 3. The Invite Links screen

From the Add Invite Link screen (Fig. 4), you can create an invite link to fit your user onboarding needs. Complete the following fields:

  • Title: In the Title field, add a descriptive title to your invite link to help you remember what it's for, such as an open registration or a specific user group. Only administrators will see the title. 
  • Expires After: If you would like the invite link to expire and no longer accept users after a certain date, you can enter an expiration date in the Expires after field.
  • Restrict Access: Select how you would like to restrict access for this invite.
    • Open Registration: Invite links marked as Open Registration will allow users to register without needing an access code. Only one open registration setting is allowed to be active at a time.

      Note: We recommend using this option if you would like to publicly share a link (via a website or email) and allow anyone to have access to register as a portal user.

    • Restrict via Code / Link: Invite links marked as Restrict via code / link will generate a unique access code and link that can be distributed to multiple users. You can view and copy the access code and link on the Invite Links screen (Fig. 3). If you send the invite via a copy-pasted URL, the access code is already embedded and your recipient will not need it. 

      Note: This is the most common option. We recommend using this option if you want to invite a specific set of users to register for the portal (typically via email). You can share the generated link, or share the portal URL and the generated access code. 

    • Restrict via Email Domain(s): Invite links marked as Restrict via email domain(s) will restrict your registration by requiring the user to own an email address at a specified domain or domains. If selected, the Allow Email Domains field will appear. Enter your preferred domains. To add more than one domain, click the plus icon to the right of the field and enter the domain. If no domains are listed, the invite link will be available to any email domain. 
  • User Account: If you would like to automatically sort the user into a designated account upon acceptance of the invite, select the preferred option. 
    • Add Users to the Default Account: Add users to the portal's default account. Use this option when accounts are not used, or not all users need to be segmented by accounts.
    • Add Users to a Specific Account: After selecting this option, an Add Users To Account drop-down menu will display. Select the preferred account from the drop-down menu. Use this option when you want all users who use this invite link to be associated with the selected account.
    • Allow Users to Self-Select Account: Allow users to select their account from a drop-down menu during registration. Use this option for trusted registrations, or in situations where exposing your full account list is not an issue. 
    • Allow Users to Enter Account Value: Allow users to enter a unique account-related value during registration. This option is available when there is a custom text field associated with accounts (such as an account number). A user will be added to an account if the account value entered during registration matches the value of the account custom field. This option will be disabled if there are no custom text fields associated with accounts. 
  • Account Match Field: If you have a custom field attached to accounts, enter that information into the Account Match Field text box. If you need more information on custom fields, reach out to your Konvert™ representative for more information. 
  • User Groups: If you would like to automatically sort users into a designated group upon acceptance of the invite, select the preferred group(s) from the User Groups drop-down menu. When more than one user group is selected, user will have to choose a group when accepting the invite.
  • Assign Modules: Pre-assign modules to users who register with the link by selecting the appropriate modules from the Assign Modules drop-down menu. 

    Note: We recommend assigning modules through Group access and only using this option for special circumstances. 

  • Redirect Path: To control where users are directed after accepting an invite, enter a valid Konvert™ path in the Redirect Path field.

    Note: This must be a path inside of your portal and not an external link. 

  • Enable Invite Link: Not ready to publish the invite link or want to retire an existing one? Use the Enabled checkbox to control whether or not users can register using the invite link. To disable the invite link, simply uncheck the checkbox. 

Click the Save button. Once saved, you will be redirected to the Invite Links screen (Fig. 3) to view and access your invite link URL and access code (if applicable).

Figure 4. The Add Invite Link screen